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Trips around the world

Travel together with your Ukrainan friends

Category: AboutUkraine
Posted by: irina

For those who would like to take a vacation together with their Ukrainian friends, here is a list of countries where Ukrainians can go without applying for a visa

You only need your foreign passport and a ticket, and you can go!

1. Azerbaidzhan (Азербайджан), up to 90 days
2. Armenia (Армения), up to 90 days
3. Byelorussia (Белоруссия), up to 90 days
4. Kazakhstan (Казахстан), up to 90 days
5. Kirgizia (Киргизия), up to 90 days
6. Moldova (Молдавия), up to 90 days
7. Tajikistan (Таджикистан), up to 90 days
8. Uzbekistan (Узбекистан), up to 90 days
9. Russia (Россия), up to 90 days
10. Jamaica (Ямайка)
11. Barbados (Барбадос)
12. Antigua & Barbuda (Антигуа и Барбуда)
13. St.Vincent & Grenadines (Ст. Винесент и Гренадины)
14. St.Lucia (Ст. Люсия)
15. St.Kits (Ст. Китс)
16. Dominican (Доминика)
17. Gayana (Гаяна)
18. Grenada (Гренада)
19. Trinidad & Tobago (Тринидад и Тобаго)
20. Malasia (Малайзия), up to 30 days
21. Maldives (Мальдивы), up to 30 days
22. Micronesia (Микронезия), up to 30 days
23. Namibia (Намибия), up to 90 days
24. Cook's Islands (Острова Кука), up to 31 days
25. Peru (Перу), up to 90 days
26. Samoa (Самоа), up to 60 days
27. The Seyshelles (Сейшелы), up to 30 days
28. Shri-Lanka (Шри-Ланка), up to 30 days
Visa provided on arrival into the country:
29. Bahrein (Бахрейн). Visa for 14 days, visas to women provided only if they are traveling with their husbands!
30. Bangladesh (Бангладеш). visa for 90 days on arrival
31. Burkina-Faso (Буркина-Фасо). visa for 90 days on arrival
32. Burundi (Бурунди). visa for 90 days on arrival
33. EGYPT (Египет). visa for 30 days on arrival.
34. Zambia (Замбия). visa for 30 days on arrival.
35. Jordan (Иордания). Stamp made in passport on arrival.
36. Iran. (Иран).

37. Iemen (Йемен). 
38. Kabo-Verde (Кабо-Верде).
39. Kambodia (Камбоджа).
40. Camerun (Камерун).
41. Kenya (Кения).
42. Komora Islands (Коморские острова). visa for 30 days on arrival.

43. Kuweit (Кувейт) visa for 30 days on arrival.
44. Laos (Лаос).
45. Lebanon (Ливан).
46. Madagaskar (Мадагаскар) visa for 90 days on arrival.
47. Makao (Макао). visa for 30 days on arrival.
48. The Marshall Islands (Маршалловы острова). visa for 30 days on arrival.
49. Mozambique (Мозамбик). visa for 30 days on arrival
50. Nepal (Непал). visa for 30 days on arrival
51. Oman (Оман). visa for 30 days on arrival; visas to women provided only if they are traveling with their husbands!
52. Palau (Палау). visa for 30 days on arrival
53. Thailand (Таиланд). visa for 15 days on arrival.
54. Tanszania (Танзания). visa for 15 days on arrival.
55. Tonga (Тонга). visa for 30 days on arrival
56. Turkey (Турция). 
57. Uganda (Уганда). visa for 30 days on arrival.
58. Ethiopia (Эфиопия). visa for 90 days on arrival.
59. South Korea (Южная Корея).




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